Understanding Gnosis Safe Addresses for Investigation (Part 2 of 3)

Safe wallets have signers who are authorized individuals or entities responsible for approving transactions and are typically designated as wallet owners. The number of required signatures and the specific identities of signers are determined during the wallet setup and can be changed. Transactions are only executed when the predetermined threshold of signers provides their approval, preventing a single point of failure and ensuring collaborative control over digital assets.

In this Part 2 of our series, as per the age-old adage in the AML community, “follow the money,” discovering Gnosis Safe wallet signers allows you to “follow who owns the money,”, providing crucial insights into investigating illicit activities linked to Gnosis Safe Smart contracts. Explore three methods in the video to identify signers, and thresholds whilst tracking their changes over time.

Check the smart contract creation log on explorers like Etherscan to spot the initial signers. Keep in mind, that they can be changed! For the most recent signers, query the getOwners function by reading the contract as a Proxy. Also, use the getThreshold function to know the current number of signers needed for a transaction

🌐 Leverage Safe API! By using the GET function of v1_safes_creation_list, easily access all the signers and the threshold at the wallet’s creation.

🖥️ Explore the Safe UI! Head to settings > Manage Safe Account owners to view the current signers and the number of confirmations required for transactions.

Bonus Tip 🌟: Uncover additional Safe wallets controlled by a signer under investigation using the GET function of v1_owners_safes_list.

API: https://safe-transaction-mainnet.safe.global/
Safe UI Dashboard: app[.]safe[.]global/home?safe=”network”:”address”

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